We wanted to let you in on a topic we personally struggle with , especially coming out of law of…
Manifesting to Jesus
We are back with our 3rd video in our healing with Jesus series. If you are new make sure you…
Today we are discussing a loaded topic. One that we wrestled with for a long time. Well, still wrestle with…
If you are new here, we want to say Hi! You might be wondering why are we even wondering if…
Worship music is one of the best ways to sing praise to our Lord. When we worship it is about…
“Enter through the narrow gate. For the gate is wide and the road broad that leads to destruction, and there…
Is manifesting really that bad for Christians to practice? {Scary truths about new age practices}
by purelytwinsAfter we posted our video last week – Do we still manifest… Lori shared with me a post from a…
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