Hey there friends!
Today we wanted to share our thoughts on what we have learned about why Jesus died on the cross for our sins.
Ever since turning back to be true followers of Christ almost a year ago this Easter everything is hitting us deeper. The deep love God has for us. What really what Jesus did for us ALL.
It is crazy to think this time last year we didn’t have Bibles or a real relationship with Jesus.
All glory to God and because of His grace we are able to do what we do.
In today’s episode we open up about what we see when we see the cross and what we believe about salvation.
It is such an important message we want more people to think about and really sit with. We also share 3 powerful prayers.
Today’s message is for believers and unbelievers. If this serves you please share it as it will help our message get out to more people, because we want more to turn back to Jesus!
Why did Jesus die on the cross for our sins?
Click here to watch on YOUTUBE.
If you prefer to listen, it is podcast episode 39 on the Lori and Michelle show.
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We pray that today’s video served you. Brought you back to Jesus and His deep love for you.
Are we truly saved by just believing in Jesus Christ – His death, burial, and resurrection?
What we discuss:
- 3 prayers -intro prayer, closing prayer and welcoming Jesus into your life
- important message for believers
- what the cross a success?
- It is finished – words from Jesus
- helping the lost
- why did Jesus come
- apologetics
- salvation – is by works or faith
- what we see when we see the Christ
- Easter
- the importance of the cross
- eternal life
- who is the famous one
- what learned from the transfiguration
- self help
- God being holy and just and love
- being blind
- what the Bible helps you see
- the core of Christianity
- how to be forgiven by God and go to heaven
Resources mentioned in episode:
The video from Derek Prince – By One Offering He Provided For Everyone –
Here is the full sermon, we haven’t listen to it yet
What is EASTER & why do we celebrate it as CHRISTIANS?
Jesus Covers Your Shame (The Significance of the Cross) – so good, something we didn’t mention in video
Exploring my strange Bible podcast – Jesus’s final words – episode 75 and The Messianic Passover Episode 77
Journeywomen podcast – How can we image God? With Jackie Hill Perry
WHY DID JESUS COME to earth in the flesh AS A HUMAN?
Jeremiah – from Instagram – His videos are short and he explains things simply yet clearly
The book Lori has – Keeping Your Kid’s On God’s side by Natasha Cain
The new songs mentioned:
2CELLOS – Benedictus (by Karl Jenkins)
Benedictus (Arr. D. Price)
Salt Of The Sound – Be Still, My Soul
Bible references:
- Matthew chapters 17 & 18
- Romans chapters – 3, 5, 6, 9, 10, 11 & 14
- 1 Corinthians chapters 13 & 15
- Ephesians chapters 1 & 2
- 2 Peter 3
- Hebrews chapters 1, 7, 10 & 12
- John chapters 1, 3 & 10
- 2 Corinthians 5
- Colossians 1
- 1 Thessalonians 5
Remember Jesus came for the lost.
He came for all people and died for ALL sins.
Jesus was God in the flesh. He came down to show people what God was really like and that He cares.
We pray you too want to know Jesus and for Him to know you.
Remember for God to be love He has to be just too. There has to be a punishment for sin. And what a gift He gave us to have eternal life with Him.
If you are struggling remember Jesus isn’t giving up on you.
It is important we all to come to a place and admit we are sinners and need a Savior. Then believe with all your heart in ALL the work of Jesus. Believe Jesus died on the cross for your sins, to make you right with God and then was buried and rose again to give you life. Acknowledge Jesus is the Lord and Savior of your life.
We pray more rest in what Jesus did on the cross.
However you celebrate Easter let’s not forget the cross, what it means and why Jesus did it.
What Jesus did was enough. Believe Him and believe in Him.
We love you so much. God loves you. God bless you.
Thank you for your support.
Please share this with anyone you feel needs to hear this.