Today we chat about some uncomfortable topics.
As we went deeper into reflecting and learning over Matthew chapters 5-7, we had some new revelations we wanted to share.
Focusing first on the hard topics from Jesus’s teachings in Matthew chapter 5.
We hope you can see this with an open mind and remember how important it is for you to read the Bible yourself and not just take what you hear from other.
Us included. As we don’t know everything.
We are simply sharing our raw honest journey of reading the Bible again and how Jesus is transforming us.
What does God think of anger, lust and sex? Chatting about hard Christian Bible topics from Matthew chapter 5.
If you want to watch it on YOUTUBE GO HERE
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If you prefer to listen, check out our podcast episode chatting about Christianity, rules, relationships and more around some of the uncomfortable topics in the Bible.
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Being Christians is not all about rules that many make it be about.
It is about love.
We pray everyone starts looking at Christianity differently than what the world makes it out to be and start to see how much God loves us all.
Jesus came to restore humanity.
We also pray that more parents start to teach their kids what we talk about here in this video/podcast episode.
What we discuss:
- what does God think of anger and sex
- Lori opens up about parenting struggles
- things we pray more people would teach others and understand what Jesus was coming to do
- God is of love and relationships
- Christianity and all the rules and people putting us in boxes
- our take on why the world it is today
- Podcast Michelle mentioned was – Episode 19 The Bible You Never Expected on the Gospelbound podcast
It is so important for each of us to read the Bible and form a relationship with Him.
We hope hearing our stories gives you encouragement and inspiration start reading the Bible and begin your relationship with the Lord.
We share this because we love you and deeply care about your life, here and eternal.
our testimony back to Jesus from law of attraction,
What we learned about the law of attraction & being Christians (what you need to know)
4 words that really HIT us hard – this changed everything
We appreciate your support.
Please share this with someone you think you benefit from hearing about reading the Bible.
L and M
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