Diastasis Q&A: go to core exercises, how often do I do core work still, what workouts am I doing now

by purelytwins

. Remember every women’s core will heal differently.  At the moment everything I mention here is what I am currently doing… it could change in a few months.  Or maybe not as I really like how my body is progressing.

For me, I didn’t do anything fast. I enjoyed taking my time with gaining more and more strength in my body. With having 2 kids it can be even harder to fit time to work out that’s why I love the style of workouts I do.  Taking care of my core (being mindful of my small separation) is a huge priority for me and will probably always be moving forward. I do believe one day I will get it down to less than 1 finger, it just might take me longer and I am okay with that.

Diastasis Q&A: go-to core exercises, how often do I do core work still, what workouts am I doing now

I know so many moms are scared and freaking out about how they don’t want to re-open their diastasis.

Yes, it can happen.

You could also get pelvic floor issues like prolapse if you start to lift extremely heavy, run a lot, etc without having your pelvic floor functioning optimally. There’s always a chance for that.

I like to lift and strength train a few times a week but I am not a powerlifter, it just isn’t my thing.  I also like my HIIT workouts with lots of jumping and my planks, which all could still hurt my core if I am not doing engaging properly.

Like I said in the video, I am just now finally starting to lift heavier, do more intense and challenging exercise moves.

Diastasis Recti Q&A: Answering postpartum mummy tummy questions. How do I stay motivated to do my workouts with kids and life getting in the way. My go-to core exercises when short on time. How often do I do core work one year postpartum. What workouts do I do now after ab gap is stronger - are planks and push-ups okay?

Here are the questions I answered in the video:

  1. Sara asked – How many times a week do you do your exercises? Which exercises if you are tight on time you make sure to do?
  2. Heather asked – Do you still feel like everything seems tighter/flatter in the morning and then seems more poochy by the evening? I’m 7 months pp and I feel like this is still happening. It also looks much firmer when I’m standing than sitting. Also, are you still doing the RYC workouts mixed in with other workouts or do you still do an RYC once a day even at 12 months pp?
  3. Christine asked – I would love to know motivational secrets with two little ones. I start so well on a workout routine and once it gets interrupted by planned or unplanned activities I falter and fall.

Thanks, girls for the great questions.



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Courtney Konakowitz October 6, 2017 - 8:00 am

Can I do the hiit to fit work out program if I have a little bit of an ab gap? I am 3 months postpartum and then hiit to fit program looks more interesting to me then the retain my core program.
Thank you in advanced.

purelytwins October 11, 2017 - 2:02 am

It depends on you and your core strength. If you have good core strength, linea alba is strong, no coning, no peeing in pants, can hold plank in good form, then yes HIIT to Fit could be a good choice.

Beck October 13, 2017 - 10:26 pm

I had diastasis recti with my second pregnancy, almost 12 years ago. The hospital just gave me a photocopied sheet with a few exercises on it and, tbh, I didn’t really ask any questions about it or receive any follow up from my GP. All these years later, I can still feel a ‘gap’…is it too late for me to heal this further? I am keen to exercise at home to strengthen my core and any advice you have would be appreciated.

purelytwins October 20, 2017 - 4:52 pm

Not necessarily too late. It just might take a little bit longer but I feel you can see great improvement in your core strength and get gap smaller anytime. I do all my exercises and workouts at home, make sure to check out my Retrain Your Core program as it will help you. And I have some other blog post that will help here http://purelytwins.com/category/lifestyle/post-partum/ and more workouts to do along with safe core work here http://purelytwins.com/category/fitness/body-after-baby-workouts/. xoxo

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