One month postpartum diastasis update after baby #2 and Bellies Inc postpartum recovery belly system

by purelytwins

Postpartum recovery update after baby #2. I am currently more like 5 weeks postpartum in the pictures. I’ve been wearing a new belly binder from Bellies Inc that I am sharing my thoughts on. Sharing what my belly looked like after baby #1 compared to what it looks like after baby #2. I do feel how I worked out differently during my second pregnancy and having a better postpartum healing plan really helped with my results of having a smaller gap this time around compared to the first.

Sharing my personal postpartum recovery journey after having diastasis recti after first pregnancy and how I am recovering after baby #2. Plus sharing my thoughts on the belly wrap from Bellies Inc their Ab tank and wrap.

I can’t believe I am almost 6 weeks postpartum. After suffering from a large 3 finger ab gap after my first pregnancy I knew that after my second child I needed a better plan.

I worked out differently during my second pregnancy to prevent a large diastasis post-baby which helped.

Postpartum recovery one month update after baby #2 and Bellies Inc postpartum recovery belly system

Share this diastasis update and belly binder review with your girl friends and moms. *Disclaimer: make sure to consult with your doctor before trying a new workout routine. If you feel any pain or discomfort while exercising, stop.

I know so many of us want to get to our pre-baby bodies again quickly but sometimes taking it slow is best. The body can heal. It just needs time to do it.

I know that’s not the answer you want to hear. It actually can take the body a good year to fully recover from being pregnant and giving birth. Which makes sense as you’re pregnant for 9 months so a year isn’t that long if you think about the bigger picture.

I am sharing some comparison shots of my belly after each pregnancy to show how doing things smarter the second time around really helped! I had a lot to learn after my first pregnancy and dealing with diastasis for the first time.

2 weeks postpartum comparison after working out differently being pregnant with baby #2 and having a better postpartum plan after second child with belly binding. Sharing my diastasis healing journey.

Here is a side-by-side comparison of me at 2 weeks postpartum after each pregnancy.

It amazes me how the body recovers differently each time. I gained about the same weight each pregnancy.

I have a small frame and I was ALL BELLY for both pregnancies.

I gained most of my weight at the belly so I had a feeling diastasis would happen to me as my belly was really stretched out.


38 weeks baby #1 vis baby #2

Here are my 38-week belly shots from my two different pregnancies. Lyla came early at 38 weeks where Madison (my first child) came right on her due date at 40 weeks.

Sharing my diastasis recovery plan and how I did things different after baby #2 to get better results compared to after baby #1. Postpartum belly comparison and how to heal diastasis.

Here I am comparing my belly a few days postpartum after each pregnancy.

Again I feel my results are better the second time around because I was smarter. I was more educated. I did things differently. I focused more on my alignment and breathing.

I do feel that by me working out differently being pregnant with baby #2 and having a better postpartum plan after my second child with belly binding really helped my belly heal better. 

After having diastasis recti after first pregnancy I am sharing a video update on how my ab separation is and what I have been doing to recover postpartum. How I am getting my abs back after baby #2 . Plus sharing my thoughts on the belly wrap from Bellies Inc their Ab tank and wrap.

I am taking my second recovery journey slow. Now with 2 kids to take care of my time is limited.

Here I am sharing more after belly pictures postpartum after both pregnancies to show how working out differently being pregnant and having a better postpartum recovery plan can really help with the healing process.

Remember we are all different and will heal differently.

Postpartum recovery journey after having diastasis recti after first pregnancy and how I am recovering after baby #2. Checking my ab separation in video and what I have been doing to recovery postpartum. Plus sharing my thoughts on the belly wrap from Bellies Inc their Ab tank and wrap.

So my results are after baby #2:

  • No separation above belly button.
  • 3 finger gap at belly button.
  • 1.5/2 finger gap below belly button.
  • Gap isn’t as deep as it was after my first pregnancy. YAY!

I must say I am so HAPPY with my results. I feel all my hard work doing pregnancy and so far postpartum has really helped!

postpartum belly checking for diastasis at one month postpartum after second baby

I haven’t done as much walking as I would have liked but I know I have plenty of time to add more walking in. Chasing after my 2-year-old has been the majority of my exercise plus walking up and down stairs in the house.

I am currently starting core workouts and starting to really feel my deep core muscles getting stronger. The first few weeks it is hard because the muscles are so weak. It takes time to reconnect your deep core muscles and get them strong again. And that’s the hard part because we all want faster results. I am no different but I also know from experience that healing diastasis takes time.

Some people heal faster as others it takes longer and for some surgery might be what they have to do (I am not promoting surgery as I do feel the right exercises, workouts, nutrition and mindset can play a huge part in healing). Each body is different so don’t compare to me or any other mom.

Bellies Inc. Postpartum Ab system – ab tank and wrap review

Sharing my thoughts on the belly wrap from Bellies Inc their Ab tank and wrap. Belly wrapping is not enough to heal diastasis recti postpartum but along with the right exercises it can help restore the core. Using an abdominal wrap can be beneficial if used correctly to help close any ab separation after baby.

The lovely people over at Bellies Inc asked me if I would like to try out their belly tank which is the ab tank and ab wrap and give it a review.

I have heard of Bellies Inc but I honestly didn’t know that much about them. I am so happy to have been able to try this product out as I have been really liking it.

It fits great and I really like how it feels on. It almost feels like second skin.

If you are interested in learning more about this belly tank and wrap make sure to check out Bellies Inc site.

They sell them as a set or you can purchase either the wrap or tank separately. So far for me I really like them both but if I had to choose what to get I would say the ab wrap.

After wearing it for a few days I am starting to get the hang of putting it on correctly. I am excited to continue to wear this wrap for a few more weeks and see how it helps my core even more.

If you are curious on the other belly wrap I have been wearing postpartum to help diastasis is from the tummy team here.

xoxo Lori

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Hannah May 6, 2021 - 5:12 pm

I’ve tried to access your DR course a couple of times now and it seems the page is down. Is this indefinite?

purelytwins May 13, 2021 - 12:12 pm

Sorry about that Hannah, we had switched to new software. Here is the link to get the course

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