A safe low-impact bodyweight workout that is safe for women that have diastasis recti.
Hey friend!
This workout is perfect for those like me who are suffering from an ab separation post pregnancy. Several of you requested for a diastasis recti safe workout and here it is. This is a low-impact workout making it a great routine to start doing a few times a week.
I am 15 weeks post partum in this workout.
This workout is safe for diastasis recti indivdiuals, it’s also a great workout for everyone! All fitness levels can do this workout. Add in weights and lift leg in side plank to increase the challenge.
Remember crunches, sit-ups, pushups, press-ups and front planks make abdominal separation worse so avoid those if you have any separation. Once your gap is healed you can start to incorporate those moves, but still be careful at first!
I didn’t rush my journey back into post baby shape. I am enjoying my fitness journey at a slow and steady pace and mostly spending my time with Madison. She keeps me active.
This is my third workout post partum and I feel I am starting to get stronger. I still have a small gap to close but each week is getting better. I feel by me taking my fitness journey slow has helped a lot with my diastasis recti healing. When I do any strength training I keep the weights light. I am more and more hopeful that one day I will have a one finger gap! Getting closer each week.
16 minute interval body weight training workout that is safe for post partum moms
Let’s do this workout together!
Equipment: none
Style of workout: bodyweight workout
Workout focus: full body – post partum safe
Set Gymboss Interval Timer to 24 rounds of intervals of 10 sec rest and 30 sec work.
Low-impact bodyweight home interval workout for post partum moms to build core muscles without hurting ab separation.
Side planks are safe to do if you have been doing other core reconditioning exercises to close your gap. You can modify side planks with supported side planks starting off until your strength builds up. Side planks are not a front loaded exercise, so safe to do with correct form and breathing.
This workout is safe for moms and ANYONE who is working on building back their strength through bodyweight movements. Also great for those that need workouts that are low-impact but still effective in gaining strength.
Go grab your workout buddy and come work out with us 🙂
Here is your 16 minute low-impact interval workout breakdown.
Don’t forget to PIN this workout and come back to let us know how you liked this workout!
16-minute-bodyweight-postpartum-workout (click to download your free workout printable)
We suggest for different fitness levels:
B-fits (beginner peeps) – Follow modifications from video.
A-fits (advanced peeps) – Follow recommendations in video for making side planks harder with lifting leg. Push yourself and limit your breaks. Use moderate to heavy weights for the walking squats and bridge. Go for speed.
Diastasis recti tip – Go slow. Focus on your breathing! Keep belly button in towards spine when exhaling. Start with supported side planks if you have a large gap and over time you can progress the move when your core feels stronger.
A great 16 minute home workout that uses your own body to build muscle and strength while having fun doing it.
Interval bodyweight routine that’s low-impact to get you moving again. No excuses 🙂
*disclaimer: make sure to consult with your doctor before trying a new workout routine.
MY sister in law just had a baby so I’ll have to send her this! I’m sure she’d love it!
thanks Liz hugs
Awesome you guys!! Those leg warmers are super cute…
thank you!
I love your leg warmers!!! Where did you find those?
thanks girl! we got them off Amazon 🙂 – Amazon has everything LOL
Where’s the workout?
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